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BOP Database Ontology

Latest version:
Alex Donkers, ISBE, Eindhoven University of Technology
JSON-LD RDF/XML N-Triples TTL Visualize with WebVowl
Cite as:
Donkers, A.J.A. (2021). BOP Database Ontology. Revision: 0.1.
Building Performance Ontology:
BOP Database Ontology


This ontology is an extension of the Building Performance Ontology (BOP). It describes detailed database information. The ontology helps to create database alignment modules and enables the description of database schemas, retention policies and data formats.


Suggested prefix: bopdb:

BOPDB extends the Building Performance Ontology, which is documented at

Introduction back to ToC

This is a place holder text for the introduction. The introduction should briefly describe the ontology, its motivation, state of the art and goals.

Namespace declarations

Table 1: Namespaces used in the document

BOP Database Ontology: Description back to ToC

The BOP Database Ontology is designed based on the latest version of InfluxDB (v2.0) and covers the key concepts of InfluxDB data elements. Due to the stability of InfluxDB developments, the ontology could also be used to describe previous versions of InfluxDB. Concepts in BOPDB match with the InfluxDB concepts of v1.3 and later. Figure 1 shows the structure of the ontology. It also shows how the ontology could extend BOP by including bop:Property and bop:Database in the schema. Field keys are in practice used to describe properties of the measurement and therefore relate to a bop:Property. Tag keys are used to describe additional metadata, such as the location of the measurement or the researcher making the measurement, and could therefore be linked to a wide range of instances. Some date formats have been added as subclasses of bopdb:DateFormat. However, this list is incomplete by definition. It is likely to be extended in the near future. For additions, please contact Alex Donkers.

Generic structure

Figure 1: Generic structure of BOPDB

Cross reference for BOP Database Ontology classes, properties and dataproperties back to ToC

This section provides details for each class and property defined by BOP Database Ontology.


Clausec back to ToC or Class ToC


An attribute of the retention policy that specifies information on how data in the database is stored.
has sub-classes
Duration clause c, Replication clause c, Shard duration clause c
is in domain of
is clause of op
is in range of
has clause op

Date formatc back to ToC or Class ToC


The format of the data and time associated with a point.
has sub-classes
RFC3339 timestamp c, Unix microsecond epoch timestamp c, Unix millisecond epoch timestamp c, Unix nanosecond epoch timestamp c, Unix second epoch timestamp c
is in domain of
is date format of op
is in range of
has date format op

Default retention policyc back to ToC or Class ToC


Default retention policy of the database.
has super-classes
Retention policy c
is in domain of
is default retention policy of op
is in range of
has default retention policy op

Duration clausec back to ToC or Class ToC


The attribute of the retention policy that determines how long InfluxDB stores data. Data older than the duration are automatically dropped from the database.
has super-classes
Clause c
is in domain of
is duration clause of op
is in range of
has duration clause op

Field keyc back to ToC or Class ToC


The key of the key-value pair. Field keys are strings and they store metadata.
is in domain of
is field key of op, refers to property op
is in range of
has field key op, refers to field key op

Replication clausec back to ToC or Class ToC


The attribute of the retention policy that determines how many copies of data to concurrently store (or retain) in the cluster. Replicating copies ensures that data is available when a data node (or more) is unavailable.
has super-classes
Clause c
is in domain of
is replication clause of op
is in range of
has replication clause op

Retention policyc back to ToC or Class ToC


Describes how long InfluxDB keeps data (duration), how many copies of the data to store in the cluster (replication factor), and the time range covered by shard groups (shard group duration). RPs are unique per database and along with the measurement and tag set define a series. When you create a database, InfluxDB creates a retention policy called autogen with an infinite duration, a replication factor set to one, and a shard group duration set to seven days.
has sub-classes
Default retention policy c
is in domain of
has clause op, has duration clause op, has replication clause op, has shard duration clause op, is retention policy of op
is in range of
has retention policy op, is clause of op, is duration clause of op, is replication clause of op, is shard duration clause of op

RFC3339 timestampc back to ToC or Class ToC


A timestamp that uses the human readable DateTime format proposed in RFC 3339 (for example: 2020-01-01T00:00:00.00Z). Flux and InfluxDB clients return query results with RFC3339 timestamps.
has super-classes
Date format c

Shard duration clausec back to ToC or Class ToC


The shard duration determines how much time each shard group spans.
has super-classes
Clause c
is in domain of
is shard duration clause of op
is in range of
has shard duration clause op

Tag keyc back to ToC or Class ToC


The key of a tag key-value pair. Tag keys are strings and store metadata. Tag keys are indexed so queries on tag keys are processed quickly.
is in domain of
is tag key of op
is in range of
has tag key op

Unix microsecond epoch timestampc back to ToC or Class ToC


Counts time since Unix Epoch (1970-01-01T00:00:00Z UTC) in specified units (microseconds).
has super-classes
Date format c

Unix millisecond epoch timestampc back to ToC or Class ToC


Counts time since Unix Epoch (1970-01-01T00:00:00Z UTC) in specified units (milliseconds).
has super-classes
Date format c

Unix nanosecond epoch timestampc back to ToC or Class ToC


Counts time since Unix Epoch (1970-01-01T00:00:00Z UTC) in specified units (nanoseconds).
has super-classes
Date format c

Unix second epoch timestampc back to ToC or Class ToC


Counts time since Unix Epoch (1970-01-01T00:00:00Z UTC) in specified units (seconds).
has super-classes
Date format c

Object Properties

has clauseop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


has sub-properties
has duration clause op, has replication clause op, has shard duration clause op
has domain
Retention policy c
has range
Clause c
is inverse of
is clause of op

has date formatop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


has characteristics: functional

has domain
database c
has range
Date format c
is inverse of
is date format of op

has default retention policyop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


has super-properties
has retention policy op
has domain
database c
has range
Default retention policy c
is inverse of
is default retention policy of op

has duration clauseop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


has super-properties
has clause op
has domain
Retention policy c
has range
Duration clause c
is inverse of
is duration clause of op

has field keyop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


has domain
database c
has range
Field key c
is inverse of
is field key of op

has replication clauseop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


has super-properties
has clause op
has domain
Retention policy c
has range
Replication clause c
is inverse of
is replication clause of op

has retention policyop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


has sub-properties
has default retention policy op
has domain
database c
has range
Retention policy c
is inverse of
is retention policy of op

has shard duration clauseop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


has super-properties
has clause op
has domain
Retention policy c
has range
Shard duration clause c
is inverse of
is shard duration clause of op

has tag keyop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


has domain
database c
has range
Tag key c
is inverse of
is tag key of op

is clause ofop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


has sub-properties
is duration clause of op, is replication clause of op, is shard duration clause of op
has domain
Clause c
has range
Retention policy c
is inverse of
has clause op

is date format ofop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


has characteristics: inverse functional

has domain
Date format c
has range
database c
is inverse of
has date format op

is default retention policy ofop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


has super-properties
is retention policy of op
has domain
Default retention policy c
has range
database c
is inverse of
has default retention policy op

is duration clause ofop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


has super-properties
is clause of op
has domain
Duration clause c
has range
Retention policy c
is inverse of
has duration clause op

is field key ofop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


has domain
Field key c
has range
database c
is inverse of
has field key op

is replication clause ofop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


has super-properties
is clause of op
has domain
Replication clause c
has range
Retention policy c
is inverse of
has replication clause op

is retention policy ofop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


has sub-properties
is default retention policy of op
has domain
Retention policy c
has range
database c
is inverse of
has retention policy op

is shard duration clause ofop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


has super-properties
is clause of op
has domain
Shard duration clause c
has range
Retention policy c
is inverse of
has shard duration clause op

is tag key ofop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


has domain
Tag key c
has range
database c
is inverse of
has tag key op

refers to field keyop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


has characteristics: inverse functional

has domain
property c
has range
Field key c
is inverse of
refers to property op

refers to propertyop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


has characteristics: functional

has domain
Field key c
has range
property c
is inverse of
refers to field key op

Named Individuals

Alex Donkersni back to ToC or Named Individual ToC


Legend back to ToC

c: Classes
op: Object Properties
dp: Data Properties
ni: Named Individuals

References back to ToC

Add your references here. It is recommended to have them as a list.

Acknowledgments back to ToC

The authors would like to thank Silvio Peroni for developing LODE, a Live OWL Documentation Environment, which is used for representing the Cross Referencing Section of this document and Daniel Garijo for developing Widoco, the program used to create the template used in this documentation.